100 Best Funny Picture Bedtime Stories for Kids

Publish: August 1, 2024 | Category: Children's Stories

100 Best Funny Picture Bedtime Stories for Kids, Here are beautiful picture book stories and classic and interesting children's stories.

100 Best Funny Picture Bedtime Stories for Kids

Bedtime Stories for Kids List:

12.Tricky Turtle

11.Rabbit on the run

10.The Very Busy Hen

9.The Mermaid and the Octopus

8.Elephant's Ears

7.My No, No, No Day

6.Where the Wild Things Are

5.Little Big

4.The Little Egg

3.Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur!

2.Maisy's Christmas Eve

1.Sam sheep can't sleep

Tricky Turtle

Ricky the rabbit and Tera the turtle met by the edge of the river. "No one is capable of beating me in a race!" Ricky said. He was confident-his smile conveyed that.

I can beat you, Tera said.

Ricky laughed with delight.

Tera said, "We will race tomorrow. The destination is the hill."

Ricky agreed. Tera concentrated on winning the race. She was not faster than Ricky. She needed a definite way to succeed. She told her family about the race, "I have concluded that I have to resort to something bad. I will cheat." She dictated her instructions to them.

At the race, they all wore white feathers. They looked exactly the same! Then, her family members hid in shadows on the path.

The race began. Tera was soon far behind. However, Tera's brother hid behind a bush in the valley below. When Ricky got close, Tera's brother began to run. He looked just like Tera! Ricky ran as fast as he could along the path. But, to him, it seemed like Tera was always ahead. Ricky had used a considerable amount of energy.

He reached the top, but Tera's sister was already there. "Well, you win," Ricky said.

Later, Tera had a broad smile on her face. Ricky never suspected. He had been tricked by a family of slow turtles.

Rabbit on the run

Rabbit was quick.

“You cannot get me!”

Rabbit was on the run.

Hang on!

"I can get you, rabbit."

Rabbit shot off.

“You cannot get me!”

Rabbit ran and ran.

“You cannot get me!”

“Yes, I can.”

Rabbit had a nap.


Rabbit got up.

“You caanot get me!”

Rabbit was in a rush.

I did not get you!

The Very Busy Hen

“Come and play,” said the dog.

“No,” said the hen. “I am very busy. I am planting the wheat.”

“Come and play,” said the cat.

“No,” said the hen. “I am very busy. I am watering the wheat.”

“Come and play,” said the mouse.

“No,” said the hen. “I am very busy. I am cutting the wheat.”

“Come and play,” said the horse.

“No,” said the hen. “I am very busy. I am mixing the bread.”

“Come and play,” said the cow.

“No,” said the hen. “I am very busy. I am baking the bread.”

“Come and play,”

said the dog, and the cat, and the mouse, and the horse, and the cow.

“No,” said the hen. “Come and eat!”

And they did.

Yum! Yum! Yum! Yum! Yum!

The Mermaid and the Octopus

A mermaid was having tea. An octopus saw her.

The octopus had lots of arms. “I’m going to get you!” he said.

“Do you want a cup of tea, too?” asked the mermaid.

“Yes ,” said the octopus and he took it.

“Do you want a spoon ?” asked the mermaid.

“Yes,” said the octopus and he took the spoon. He took the tea pot, too.

“Do you want a bun ?” asked the mermaid. “Yes,”said the octopus . He took two.

“Do you want my beads and my crown ?” asked the mermaid. “Yes,” said the octopus and he took them.

“Do you want my chair, too?” asked the mermaid. The octopus took the chair. Then he said ,”Now I’m going to get you !”

But all of his arms were full.

The octopus dropped the cup of tea. He dropped the spoon and the teapot. He dropped the two buns, the beads, the crown and the chair.

He said , “Now I’m going to get you.” But the mermaid had gone!

Elephant's Ears

Elephant had gigantic ears that flipped and flopped over his eyes, but he was too scared to visit the ear dressers.

Goose tied his ears up with a pink ribbon, but that was too girlie.

Chimp made him a hat out of bananas, but that was too sticky.

Snail gave him his shell, but that was too small and fell off.

So he had to be brave and visit the ear dressers with his mummy.

Now he loves the ear dressers and goes there all the time.

Everyone says he has the best ear style of all.

My No, No, No Day

Yesterday I woke up and Bob was crawling around MY ROOM licking MY JEWELRY...

So I shouted, GET OUT OF MY ROOM!

And that was the start of MY NO, NO, NO DAY.

Then I came downstairs and I saw THAT EGG.

I cried and cried and said, I CAN T EAT THAT!

And Mommy said, "You could eat it last week. Look at Bob eating his mashed banana."

After the TERRIBLE EGG I didn t like my shoes either.

So I took them off all by myself, shouting, NO SHOES!

And then we had to go shopping and Mommy said, "Please stop wriggling, Bella."

But I couldn t stop wriggling and in the end I shouted, GET ME OUT!

Mommy said, "You will give Bob an earache. And you are giving me a headache."

And Bob poked me and said, "ear."

At lunchtime Sasha and her mommy came to play and to have some peanut butter and grapes and a cookie.


Then I couldn t play nicely and I kept saying, NO! YOU CAN T BE PRINCESSES!

And in the end Sasha and her mommy went home.

In the afternoon it was my ballet lesson. I said, BALLET IS TOOO ITCHY!

But I was very loud, and Mrs.Clark stopped playing the piano and Miss Louisa said, "Dear, oh dear, perhaps you should sit in the corner then."

On the way home we met the lady who lives next door and she said that Bob was the sweetest thing she d seen all day, and then she said, "And how is Bella?"

I was a long way behind so I had to shout, I HAVE A HURTING FOOT!

And mommy said could I keep my voice down and could I PLEASE stop lying on the sidewalk.

Then it was time for my supper and my bath.

But those peas were TOO HOT!

And our bath was TOO COLD!

And I was TOO WET!

And it was TOO MINTY!

After that I rolled and rolled and said, NO BED NO NO NO NO BED NO NO!

And Mommy said, "Well, I think someone needs to go to bed."

But I rolled all over my room and then I rolled into Bob s room and I said, BED IS FOR BABIES!

And then I yawned a little yawn.

Then I crawled into my room, and Mommy said, "Who wants a story?"

And I said, NOBODY!

But she came into my room anyway and we cuddled up and had my best story about fairies and cake.

I yawned again and I said, very quietly, "TODAY WAS A VERY BAD DAY, MOMMY. SORRY."

And she kissed me good night and said, "I know. We all have those days sometimes, but perhaps you will be more cheerful tomorrow!"


I WAS! I WAS! I was cheerful...


Where the Wild Things Are

The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind.

and another,

his mother called him "wild thing!"

and Max said "I'll eat you up!"

So he was sent to bed without eating anything.

That very night in Max's room a forest grew.

and grew-

and grew until his ceiling hung with vines,

and the walls became the world all around.

And an ocean tumbled by with a private boat for Max.

And he sailed off through night and day,

and in and out of weeks,

and almost over a year,

to where the wild things are.

And when he came to the place where the whild things are

they roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth,

and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws.

Till Max said "be still!" and tamed them with the magic trick of staring into all their yellow eyes without blinking once and they were

frightened and called him the most wild thing of all.

And made him king of all wild things.

"And now," cried Max,"let the wild rumpus start!"

"Now stop!" Max said and sent the wild things off bed without their supper.

And Max the king of all wild things was lonely and wanted to be where someone loved him best of all.

Then all around from far away across the world he smelled good thing to eat.

So he gave up being king of where the wild thing are.

But the wild thing cried,"Oh please don't go-we'll eat you up-we love you so!"

And Max said,"No!"

The wild things roared their terrible and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws.

but Max stepped into his private boat and waved good-bye.

And sailed back over a year,

and in and out of weeks,

and through a day,

and into the night of his very own room,

where he found his supper waiting for him,

and it was still hot.

Little Big

I am little.

I try to be big.

But it never works.

Little,Little legs,Little hands,Little mouth.

If I had big legs like a giraffe,I could race my brother up the hill…and win.

But I wouldn't be able to ride in the trailer.

If I had big hands like a gorilla,I could open the cookie jar and take as many cookies as I wanted.

But I wouldn't be able to eat them in my playhouse.

If I had a big mouth like a crocodil,I could tell my big brother to go bed early.

But who would tell me funny stories after dinner?

If I was big like a monster,I could …

Run,run,run,little legs.

Hold on tight,little hands.

Not a sound,little mouth.

I am little.

Little legs, little hands, little mouth,perfectly little.

The Little Egg

A little egg was in the nest.


The little egg rolled down the straw and out of the barn.


The little egg rolled down the hill and into the woods.


The little egg rolled down a hole ...

... and shot out into the night.

The little egg hopped across a field ...

... and flew up into the sky.


A little chick was in the nest.

Cheep! Cheep! Cheep!

Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur!

Danny was in a hurry. He had to see his friend the dinosaur.

"I'm six years old today," said Danny. "Will you come to my birthday party?"

"I would be delighted." said the dinosaur.

Danny rode the dinosaur out of the museum.

On the way they picked up Danny's friends. "Today I'm a hundred million years and one day old." said the dinosaur.

"Then it can be your party too!" said Danny。

The children helped Danny's father hang up ballons.

"See, I can help too," said the dinosaur.

Danny's mother gave out party hats.

"How do I look?" asked the dinosaur.

"We would like to sing a song," said a girl and a boy.

They sang, and everybody clapped their hands.

"I can sing too," said the dinosaur.

He sang, and everybody covered their ears.

"Let's play pin the tail on the donkey," said Danny.

The dinosaur pinned the tail on himself!

The children sat down to rest. "Please don't put your feet on the furniture," said Danny.

The dinosaur put his feet out the window.

Danny's mother and father gave each child a dish of ice cream.

The had to give the dinosuar more!

"Here comes the birthday cake!" said the children.

They counted the candles. "One, two, three, four, five , six."

The dinosuar started to eat the cake.

"Wait!" said Danny. "First we have to make a wish!"

"I wish we can all be together again next year," said Danny. "I wish the same thing," said the dinosuar.

They blew out the candles. "Happy birthday to you!" everybody sang.

"This is the best birthday party I have ever had," said Danny. "Me too," said the dinosaur.

Maisy's Christmas Eve

Snow fell on Christmas Eve.
Snow fell on Maisy's house.

Maisy's Christmas Eve

Snow fell on Charley's house.
Snow fell on Cyril's house.
Snow fell on Tallulah's house.

Snow fell on Eddie!
He was on his way to the Maisy.

Maisy's Christmas Eve

Everyone was invited to Maisy's house for Christmas.
Flip-flap!Cyril went on snowshoes and got there slowly.
Charley and Tallulah went by sledge and got there quickly.

Maisy's Christmas Eve
Plod-plop!Eddie walked...
and got stuck in the snow!

Maisy's Christmas Eve

At Maisy's house the snow fell thick and fast.
And it was...cold!
The friends hurried in to keep warm by the fireside.

Maisy's Christmas Eve

Everyone got ready for Christmas.
But where was Eddie?

They made mince pies,
wrapped presents and put up paper chains.
But where was Eddie?

Maisy's Christmas Eve

All together they decorated the Christmas tree.
But where was Eddie?
They all went out to look for him.

Maisy's Christmas Eve

They found a shed covered in snow.
They found a bush covered in snow.
They found snow covered in snow…

Maisy's Christmas Eve

...and at last they found Eddie.
Hooray!But poor Eddie was stuck in the snow!

Maisy's Christmas Eve

Oh,dear,Eddie was still stuck!

Then Maisy had an idea.
She fetched the tractor.

Maisy's Christmas Eve
Pop!At last,Eddie was free!

Maisy's Christmas Eve

That evening,everyone gathered around the tree to celebrate.
Then the five friends sang Christmas carols together...

Maisy's Christmas Eve

And Eddie sang the loudest of all!

Sam sheep can't sleep

Sam Sheep can't sleep.
Sam Sheep gets up.
Sam Sheep wakes up Pup.
Sam sheep can't sleep
Pup barks.
“It’s late. It’s dark.”
Go to sleep, Sam sheep!”

“I can’t sleep,” says Sam Sheep.
I need to see Fat Cat.”
“Fat Cat can sleep for weeks and weeks!”
Sam sheep can't sleep
Fat Cat’s on her sleeping mat in the park.
Pup barks.

“It’s late. It’s dark. Go to sleep!”
“Sorry,” barks Pup. “Sam sheep can’t sleep.”
“You need to see ted in his red bed.”
Sam sheep can't sleep

Ted is asleep in his red bed.
Pup bark in the dark night...

Sam sheep can't sleep

Ted wakes up.On goes the light.

Sam sheep can't sleep

“You gave me a fright!”
“Sorry,” barks Pup. “Sam sheep can’t sleep.”
“Then let’s see Big Pig. Down the street.”

Sam sheep can't sleep

Big Pig grunts, “You woke me up!”
Fat Cat yawns. “Don’t blame us.”

Sam sheep can't sleep

“Can’t sleep?” says Big Pig.
“Then do a jig.”
“That will make you sleep, Sam Sheep.”

So Pup starts to jiggle.
Fat Cat starts to wiggle.
Ted does a wriggle.

Sam sheep can't sleep

So Pup starts to jiggle.
Fat Cat starts to wiggle.
And Big Pig starts to giggle.

Sam sheep can't sleep

But what about Sam Sheep?
Sam Sheep is asleep!

Bedtime Story

Last updated: August 5, 2024