60 the Best Funny Bedtime Stories for Adults in 5 Minutes

Publish: October 2, 2022 | Category: Love Stories

60 the Best Funny Bedtime Stories for Adults in 5 Minutes,Adult bedtime stories, love stories, each one feels warm and gentle storytelling。

Bedtime Stories for Adults:

8. Now you are my only one

7. And the most important thing to me is you

6. All my love and romance are because of you

5. Bunny Eating the Moon

4. I just know that I love you

3. Beauty under the rainbow

2. April Fool's joke

1. You have a tender to be signed

Bedtime Stories for Adults: 8、And the most important thing to me is you

I don't know when the little fox started growing carrots.
But this is not surprising, the strange thing is that he only planted one.
It was planted in a small pot in his yard.

Under the careful care of the little fox, the carrot becomes more beautiful as it grows.
The little fox will put it on the steps every day to catch the sun,
He sat contentedly beside the carrot.

Occasionally when other animals pass by, they will lie on the yard and look in,
The little fox will hide the carrot in his arms,
"Go away, this is my only carrot!"

Whenever the little fox sees this carrot,
A figure jumping and jumping will appear in my mind,
That's the little rabbit who lives on the other street.

But the little rabbit never walked down this street.
She shouldn't know that she has grown a carrot, right?
Thinking of this, the little fox felt a little down.
After fertilizing the carrots, I buried my head and went back to the house.

On weekends, when the little fox was watering the carrots,
I found that there are more people passing by the yard today,
It turned out that the tree on the other street fell down and blocked the road.
The little animals had to detour to another street.

After the little fox knew, he secretly prayed in his heart,
He hoped that the little rabbit would pass by here later.
So he put the carrot in the most conspicuous place,
He was lying on the windowsill watching the movement on the street.

After a while, the little rabbit really jumped up and down,
In his hand is a pink basket full of small flowers.
The little fox's heart also blooms like a small flower in a basket.

"Hello, little bunny!"
The little fox carefully stopped the little rabbit,
"I have a present for you."

Saying that, the little fox clumsily pulled the carrot out of the flowerpot,
I wiped the dirt off the carrot with my own clothes,
Then gently handed it to the little rabbit.

"This is my only carrot, and I want to give it to you because..."
The little fox raised his head and wanted to look into the eyes of the little rabbit and continue speaking,
But he saw that the little rabbit had opened his mouth and bit the carrot.

"Ah, sorry, this carrot looks delicious."
The little rabbit hugged his head and apologized to the little fox,
Subconsciously, he took a small step back.

"it does not matter."
The little fox pushed the remaining carrots in front of the little rabbit,
"It's my only carrot, since you ate it."
"Then now, you are my only one."

Bedtime Stories for Adults: 7、And the most important thing to me is you

The little rabbit hid on the sofa and watched TV as usual after dinner.

The red rainstorm warning signal has been displayed on the upper right corner of the TV.

This means that a particularly big storm is about to hit the forest.

The little rabbit's mobile phone also received a text message from the forest management office at this time:

【Red Rainstorm Warning】

Heavy rain is expected to occur in the northern part of the forest in the next 3 hours.

Please minimize going out and take care of your important things.

Keep yourself safe and protect against storms together.

The little rabbit immediately moved the flowerpot in the yard to the house,

Although the flowerpots are filled with small wild flowers that cannot be named,

But they were all given to her by the little fox,

So these flowers have become the most important things for the little rabbit.

She still remembered that the first pot of flowers that the little fox gave her was picked by the river,

In order to pick the flower, the little fox was stung by a little bee.

Thinking of this, the corners of the bunny's mouth couldn't help but rise.

It was as if the little fox was covering half of his swollen face.

Outside the window the gust of wind began to howl, and the traces of the storm ravaging the forest could be heard.

The little rabbit carefully placed the last few flower pots in the middle of the living room,

Then shut the doors and windows tightly and wait for the storm to end.

When he hid on the sofa again, the TV also lost its signal because of the storm.

The little rabbit was suddenly a little scared, but more of it was missing,

It would be nice if my beloved little fox could be by my side now.

The wind was getting louder and louder outside the window, and the rain was pouring down.

The little rabbit was drowsy and was about to fall asleep.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

The little rabbit was startled and curious, who would knock on the door in such a big storm?

The little rabbit was a little scared and went to open the door,

I saw a drenched little fox standing outside the door.

"Huh? Why are you here? Such a big storm, how dangerous!"

While complaining, the little rabbit dragged the little fox into the house,

Some distressed but more of a surprise.

"I just got a text saying that there will be a heavy rainstorm in the forest, let's take care of our most important things..."

Saying that, the little fox sneezed.

"And the most important thing to me is you!"

Bedtime Stories for Adults: 6、All my love and romance are because of you

The little bunny goes to water the carrots planted by the river every morning, and every time he passes by the small crossroads next to the candy house, the little bunny can meet the little fox.

The little fox will hold a carefully matched bouquet of flowers wrapped in newspaper, and as soon as he turns around, he will face the little rabbit. Every day, the color of the bouquet held by the little fox is different, but every day the little rabbit will collide with the little fox. Every time, the little fox looked away first and passed the little rabbit without saying a word.

A month passed in this way, although the little rabbit and the little fox met every day in the warm sunrise, they couldn't say a word.

During this month, the little rabbit not only learned that the little fox likes flowers, but also learned about the little fox's other hobbies from the salesperson of the candy house.

For example: squatting with a camera to watch the sunrise and sunset; trimming the grass around the house into various cute shapes...

"The little fox's hobbies are so romantic!" The little rabbit thought to himself.

The days are still undisturbed, and the little rabbit can still meet the little fox every day. Before I know it, the little rabbit's carrot has matured.

The little rabbit heard from the salesman again that the little fox plans to travel to the seaside outside the forest when summer comes, pick up shells, listen to the sea breeze, and watch the tides rise and fall. Moreover, the little fox is recruiting a partner to go with him, and the little rabbit pulls it out. Large and fragrant carrots came out of the ground, bundled in bunches.

The next morning, the bunny held a bunch of carrots and met the little fox with a flower in his hand.

The little rabbit started talking: "Little fox, I heard that you are looking for a partner to go to the beach, can you see me?"

The little fox didn't look away this time, but opened his mouth and smiled: "Okay!" The little rabbit: "I only have a little money, but I have a lot of carrots, so let's take it as my food expenses!"

The little rabbit handed the bunch of carrots to the little fox.

The little fox walked towards the little rabbit with the flower in her arms. For some reason, the little rabbit was suddenly a little nervous and a little shy.

The little fox walked in front of the little rabbit, stopped, got close to the little rabbit's ear and said, "You keep the carrots, and in the morning tomorrow, just bring yourself." After that, the little fox left.

Leave the bunny where it is.

On the way to the beach, the little rabbit said to the little fox: "little fox, I think you are so romantic!"

The little fox looked at the little rabbit and waited for the little rabbit to speak. The little rabbit heard what she heard from the salesperson and told the little fox all the time, including knowing about the little fox's trip this time.

After listening, the little fox smiled: "Then do you want to know why I am so romantic?"

Little Rabbit: "I think!" "I like flowers because you said that you like to watch others walking towards you holding flowers; collecting sunrises and sunsets is to share the tenderness of the world with you; the cute shapes around the house , they all look like rabbits; and traveling by the sea...because you said that the place you want to go most is the seaside."

The little fox said seriously. "All my love and romance are because of you."

Bedtime Stories for Adults: 5、Bunny Eating the Moon

The stars are shining in the summer night, and the moonlight is gently drinking on the roof, as well as on the little fox and the little rabbit.

"What do you think will be on the moon?" The little rabbit pointed to the moon.

"On the moon, there is a greedy little man who eats a bite of the moon every day, so the moon has changed from a big round jade plate to a small crescent moon.

"But the moon will still be rounded again. Could it be that the little boy has pulled it out again?" The little rabbit's eyes were shining brightly.

The little fox shed a drop of sweat and explained again.

"That's because the moon grows again, and the little rabbit is very angry, so he starts to eat it again, so for thousands of years, the moon can be reincarnated continuously.

"Then this little rabbit is really tough, if it were me, I would eat it in one bite.

"Then you are really a great little rabbit." The little fox patted the little man gently, and the two little guys slowly fell asleep.

"Wake up, wake up!" The little rabbit opened his eyes and saw a fat rabbit.

"Who are you?"

"The little rabbit rubbed his eyes.

"I am the iron Hanhan in your mouth, I have heard the conversation between you and the little fox!

"Oh..." The little rabbit yawned, it turned out to be the little boy on the moon.

wrong! and many more

The little bunny rubbed his eyes hard, hey! I'm actually on the moon!

Ahhh! Little Minzi's scream echoed on the moon for a long time.

"Calm down, you've run a hundred laps around the moon

"How do you know it's one hundred laps, not ninety-nine or one hundred and one?" The little rabbit finally stopped.

"I'm guessing." Pang Min rolled his eyes, "Stop talking about that, come and help me eat the moon!

"Eat the moon?" The little rabbit looked suspicious.

"To be more precise, eat food from the moon!" Fatty rubbed his bulging belly.

Pang Min brought Xiao Minzi to a place, and the place was full of delicious food!

Strawberry cakes, yogurt buns, and various fruit snacks were all available, and the bunny drooled.

"Only after eating these things can I go back to Earth, and I can't go back now because I can't finish it.

"You're so naive, you don't eat actively, and you have a problem with your brain!"

The little rabbit jumped in happily.

On the other side, the little fox was anxious.

Just now, the little fox woke up suddenly and found that the little rabbit had been screaming, as if it was a nightmare.

The little fox has been comforting the little boy next to him, and the little rabbit is still talking about ninety-nine laps, one hundred and one laps and other dreams. Could it be that the little rabbit is exercising in his dreams?

The little fox brought a carrot: "Wake up, little rabbit, there is a carrot you like!"

The little rabbit muttered: "It's over, I can't finish it, little fox, help me eat some!

Although the little fox didn't know what was going on, he still stuffed the carrot into his mouth.

The little rabbit struggled for a while and finally woke up.

"Why did you steal my carrots?" Little Minzi looked at the familiar little fox in front of him, his eyes red all of a sudden.

"I, that, no, it's you" the little fox couldn't tell.

"Little fox, it's great to see you!" Xiao Ben suddenly rushed over.

Although the little fox did not know the specific situation, he still patted the little rabbit and said:

"I am so lucky to have met you!

When you wake up, it's you, you don't know how happy I am.

Bedtime Stories for Adults: 4、I just know that I love you

There is a little rabbit in the forest, which is notoriously cute. Her body is always covered with the white snow of early winter, white and soft.

But God seems to have played a big joke on her, giving the little rabbit a perfect appearance, but she has been blinded since she was a child and can't see anything.

She had never seen colorful flowers, nor a green forest, nor a moonlight as white as her skin.

But the little rabbit has heard all the good things in this world, and it was the little gray rabbit who told her.

The little gray rabbit is the little rabbit's best friend. The little gray rabbit tells the little rabbit that he is also a rabbit, but he is taller and bigger than the other rabbits, and his whole body is gray.

The little gray rabbit will tell the little rabbit a lot of new things every night. For example, today the red goldfish in the creek jumped out of the water, and the water splashes raised a rainbow under the sunlight. Did you know that there are seven rainbows? A variety of colors, like a curved stone arch bridge stacked together. . .

The little rabbit listened attentively, and the corners of his mouth lifted up unconsciously.
She likes to have the company of the little gray rabbit very much, which makes her world have color.

Until one day, the little rabbit went to the goat mother-in-law to buy carrots.
"Do you want so many carrots this time, every time you come to buy so many, can you finish it all by yourself?" Granny Goat asked the little rabbit with a kind smile, her heart full of pity for the little rabbit.

"Mother-in-law, I'm not alone, I want to eat with Xiao Hui." The little rabbit replied.

"Little Hui? Are you talking about the little fox with you? How could he eat carrots? He likes to eat little rabbits like you!"

"Ah, how could Xiao Hui be a fox... He clearly ate carrots with me..."
"Little rabbit, you should pay more attention in the future!" Granny Goat urged.

The little rabbit took the carrot and walked away thoughtfully. Is Xiao Hui really a fox? No wonder he hides every time he goes out with me and meets other people, and last time I touched his long hair. Long tail, he also lied to me that it was a feather duster...
He also said he would take me to see the blue sea...

What the little rabbit didn't know was that the little fox was hiding behind the big tree and watching all this silently.

The little rabbit didn't return home until the evening. She pushed open the door and walked in, carrying a large bag of carrots in her hand.
"You already know, I'm... I'm not... not a rabbit, I'm... a..."
"I'm going to make carrot soup for you!" The little rabbit interrupted the little fox and walked to the kitchen with the carrot.

The little fox followed, and wanted to continue to explain something.
The little rabbit continued:
"I don't care what kind of little gray rabbit or little fox you are, all I know is that I like you. I think that's enough, little gray!"

Bedtime Stories for Adults: 3、Beauty under the rainbow

"There used to be a dark cloud. She glanced at the sun from a distance. Although it was only a quick glance, she could never forget it. But unfortunately, where the sun is there is always sunny, and sunny days will never appear. Cloudy."

"Ah, what a pity." The little rabbit felt sorry for the dark clouds, and then asked the little fox, "Then did they get together later?"

The little fox touched the little rabbit's ear and continued,

"Later, the dark cloud heard that as long as she turned herself into rain and fell to the ground, when the sun appeared, she would be evaporated into white clouds, and then she could be with the sun.

So she worked hard to collect the water vapor around her and gathered together little by little. Finally, she became a huge dark cloud, and then turned into raindrops and fell to the ground one night. "

"Then what?" The little rabbit couldn't wait.

The little fox continued:

"Then when it was dawn, the sun appeared, and the raindrops that the dark clouds turned into were also evaporated into the sky and turned into white clouds. The sky was as clear as sea water, and a curved rainbow connected the sun and the white cloud."

"Wow, they're really together! And there's a rainbow!" The little bunny danced with joy.

The little fox looked at the little rabbit dotingly and said:
"Tomorrow, I will take you to find the rainbow. It is the testimony of the love between the dark cloud and the sun."
"Rainbow? Then can I get carrots that I can't finish?" The little rabbit's eyes lit up.
The little fox asked, "Why are there carrots?"

"Because I heard people say that there is the most beautiful thing in the world under the rainbow."
Rabbit said proudly.
"Then I think I should already be under the rainbow." The little fox couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

The little rabbit broke free from the arms of the little fox and looked up at the night sky:
"Where, where, why can't I see a rainbow? You lie to me, how can there be a rainbow at night?"

The little fox also looked up at the night sky and said:
"I'm not kidding you, I've always been under the rainbow, and even on a night without a rainbow, I have the most beautiful things in the world."

"Where, do you also have carrots that you can't finish?" I don't know if the bunny is pretending to be stupid or really stupid.
The little fox tapped the little rabbit on the head and said, "The most beautiful thing is you, little fool."

Bedtime Stories for Adults: 2、April Fool's joke

Today is April Fool's Day, which is the best holiday for little foxes.

The little fox smiled when he saw his good brother, the Shiba Inu.

"Little Shiba Inu, the little orange cat said she liked you for a long time, waiting for you in the town park."

"True or false!" The little Shiba Inu was so excited that he almost flew.

"We are brothers, can I lie to you?" The little fox patted the little Shiba Inu on the shoulder, but the little Shiba Inu didn't fly.

"Thank you little gourd, no no, little fox!" The little Shiba Inu was so excited.

Shiba Inu walked to the park, sat on a chair and cried sadly.

"Woo, the little orange cat has never liked me, I know the little orange cat too well..."

In fact, the little Shiba Inu knows everything, but he just doesn't want to be sad in front of the little fox.

At this time, the little orange cat passed by and saw the sad little Shiba Inu.

"Little Shiba Inu, why are you crying here alone?"


The little orange cat handed over the handkerchief: "Don't lie!"

"Thank you, little orange cat..." Little Shiba Inu wiped his tears and confessed to his good brother, "Actually, it's actually a little fox, he said, he said..."

The little orange cat was very angry, and at first guess it was his good brother, the little Shiba Inu, who was taken away by the little fox!

"No, the little fox also wants me to be happy..." Little Shiba Inu said those words to the little fox, in front of the little orange cat.

"I'll help you teach him a lesson!" Xiaoju ran away angrily.

"Hey, hey, no need, little orange cat..." Of course, the little Shiba Inu was just talking about it and didn't stop him. After all, the person he likes helped him get ahead, so let's cheat on his brother!

"Little fox, the little rabbit said she likes you very much. I'll be waiting for you by the creek tonight. See you soon." The little orange cat ran away after saying that.

"Oh, you still want to lie to me little fox, I am your grandfather!" The little fox dismissed it.

The little orange cat left for a minute.

"Is it true or false!!!" The little fox shouted while holding his head.

"It must be true! The bunny has liked me for a long time!"

"No! The little rabbit has never taken the initiative to find me, she must not like me!"

"No no no, the little rabbit is just shy, it must be so!"

"Like me, don't like me, like me..." The little fox began to tug at the leaves to himself.

"Like me!" The little fox bald the big tree at the door, and ran to the little rabbit with the last leaf.

The little rabbit was washing carrots by the stream, and saw the little fox running over.

"Little fox, I didn't dirty your water, you are upstream, I am downstream..."

"Little Rabbit, actually, I've liked you for a long time too..."

The little rabbit tilted his head and looked puzzled, didn't the little fox always like to bully himself? Why do you like yourself again today?

Bedtime Stories for Adults: 1、You have a tender to be signed

At night when the sky is clear, the little fox always likes to run to the top of the hillside and stare at the stars in a daze.
The breeze blew up his fluffy tail and scattered the occasional clouds.
The moment the star disappeared and reappeared, the little fox always raised the corners of his mouth.

I don't know if the starry sky was particularly beautiful that day, or the wind was so gentle and intoxicating.
The little fox sat cross-legged on the ground and started talking to himself to the stars.

"You know, I met a tavern on Forest Avenue, it was the tavern opened by the old goat, and its name was Starry Sky.
The best wine I've ever had there is the wine made by the old goat, it seems to be called gentle. "

At this time, the little rabbit suddenly appeared beside the little fox,
She hugged the little fox from behind.
"I also want to taste the tender taste."

The little fox no longer looked up at the starry sky.
He turned his head and stood up, hugging the bunny with his back.
"Then are you ready, tender taste."

The little fox kissed gently,
This kiss, on the lips of the bunny,
A burst of numbness.
"I have forgotten the taste of wine, but I always remember this gentle taste."

Another night with the spring breeze,
It was also a gentle night.

Bedtime Story

Last updated: October 3, 2022