Hot River Lovers

Publish: November 1, 2022 | Category: Love Stories

Hot River Lovers

1. Do you want to combine

Chengde's summer is also terribly hot, the sky is overcast, and the clouds are thick.

Shen Tu's homestay can see the scenic spot of the Mountain Resort, also known as the Rehe Palace. Rehe is the Wulie River that flows through the whole city.

Shen Tu's parents accompanied the aunt to the funeral home to identify the body, and she rode a shared bicycle along the Wulie River for half a day.

She came here once a few years ago, and it seemed that nothing had changed in this city, and it seemed that nothing had changed.

Back at the hotel in the evening, everyone came back, and two policemen were asking about something.

The aunt came from Fujian last night and was exhausted, but she said calmly, "I haven't contacted him for ten years after the divorce."

The body lying in the funeral home was Shen Tu's former uncle, who was found in the lower reaches of the Wulie River two days ago.

The medical examiner found that the body of the deceased exceeded the limit of alcohol.

The police found in the surveillance that the deceased had a dispute with people at the Wulie River Bridge a few days before he fell into the river.

The other figure in the surveillance was confirmed to be Shen Tu's cousin, the only son of his aunt and his former uncle. He disappeared.

Shen Tu had no impression of his former uncle, only that he liked to drink and beat people when he was drunk. After his aunt divorced him, he left Fujian and returned to his hometown in Chengde. My cousin had just graduated from high school at the time. He spent a gap year in India, isolated from the world, and returned to China three months later. For the divorce of his parents, he just responded with a faint "Oh".

The word "suspect" made the atmosphere in the B&B suite depressed. The air conditioner was turned on very low but it was still stuffy. Shen Tu looked at the looming palace on the mountain through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and remembered his ex-boyfriend Yu Lei who had not been in contact for a long time. He had the best relationship with his cousin.

"Did my brother contact you?"

WeChat has been blocked, and Shen Tu tried to send a text message to ask the whereabouts of his cousin. She still remembered the phone number, and she couldn't forget it if she wanted to.

"I was looking for you." Yu Lei replied quickly, "I'll go to Chengde right away, and I can make an appointment to meet and talk."

It's not too far to drive three hours from Beijing.

Just after eight o'clock in the evening, Shen Tu rode his bicycle according to the positioning given by Yu Lei, and he was already waiting in the open-air parking lot. The black car had double flashing lights, the driver's window was open, and he was looking at the iPad in the car wearing a Bluetooth headset.

Yu Lei was always the one who arrived early for appointments in the past, even if he waited for Shen Tu for two or three hours, he would not feel bored. Because he is too immersed in his own world, he may have read several obscure economics papers while waiting for others.

Two years after the breakup, his life became more and more interesting.

The nearest return point was 500 meters away. Shen Tu walked over with the shared bicycle with peeling paint, and found that the trousers of his jeans were stained with chain oil. She rode for an hour, sweating and irritable.

"Is there anything I can't say on the phone?" Shen Tu tried his best to calm down.

Yu Lei turned to look at Shen Tu, time seemed to stand still for a few seconds, he put away the iPad, opened the door and got out of the car.

The tall and long-legged Yu Lei stood in front of the petite Shen Tu, which made her feel a sense of oppression and hallucination: Did the luck in life make him grow taller, or did the hardships in reality make her shorter? Why does he look taller than before?

No wind and hot, she looked up at him: "Do you know where my brother is?"

Yu Lei nodded, showing a rare smile on his indifferent face at all times, and said, "I know, but I promised him not to. I also promised that he would take good care of you."

A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, like the god of punishment savagely slapped the dark night with a whip. In the short white light, Yu Lei approached Shen Tu silently like a god, leaned over to her ear and said, "Do you want to get back together?"

baffling! Shen Tu was stunned, and before it rained, he fled by bicycle.

Pushing hard on the bike made her blush and heartbeat, and the phrase "Would you like to get back together?" made her feel numb.

2. He is not afraid of heaven and earth, just afraid of you

In the end, it was still caught up by the rainstorm.

Back at the homestay, Shen Tu was like a brewed tea bag, wet and heavy from head to toe.

The sight in front of him was startling. In the suite, Yu Lei was like having teleportation ability, and was sitting on the sofa talking to Shen Tu's parents and aunt, while a policewoman beside her was comforting the aunt.

The police found other surveillance and confirmed that the person was drunk and fell into the Wulie River. The cousin was not directly related to the death of the former uncle, and the suspicion of homicide has been ruled out, so that Shen Tu's aunt grieved and changed.

Hearing that his uncle's death had nothing to do with his cousin, Shen Tu breathed a sigh of relief.

"What about my son? Where is he? He has to come back to deal with his father's affairs," said the aunt.

The police looked at Yu Lei: "You have to ask him about it."

Yu Lei sat calmly, showing a polite but twitchy smile: "I can't tell."

When I was a child, my cousin often ran away from home. Yu Lei, who had the closest relationship with my cousin, was surrounded by parents and teachers, coaxing and persuading him. Even if Yu's father and Yu's mother played sticks and mixed doubles, he could not make him give in. Brother's whereabouts.

"I can only tell you that he is fine. He said he would not attend the funeral." Yu Lei said.

It is always difficult for people to believe what others say, and they have to see it with their own eyes to convince themselves. After Yu Lei left, Shen Tu's parents and aunt gathered around and turned the fire on Yu Lei to her.

Mother Shen comforted the aunt shrewdly: "Don't be afraid, we have A Tu."

"A Tu, you go ask." They pushed Shen Tu out of the room, completely unaware that she was still wet, and there was a tendency to cut off relations with her if she didn't ask about her cousin's whereabouts, and they didn't forget to leave a sentence, "Don't come back if you can't ask."

From childhood to adulthood, whenever his cousin ran away from home, Yu Lei gritted his teeth and refused to tell his whereabouts, the adults would send Shen Tu to appear.

"Who told that kid Yu Lei to be afraid of you, he is not afraid of the sky, he is afraid of you."

They don't know that the fears of children will always dissipate as they grow up. Yu Lei was no longer afraid of Shen Tu, on the contrary, she was a little afraid of him now. When she broke up with him so much last time, he, a Scorpio, should hold grudges very much.

Shen Tu stood in the corridor of the hotel like a water ghost and walked helplessly to the next room.

Yu Lei's departure was just to book a suite next door at the same homestay. She vaguely felt that he did it on purpose, everything was premeditated, and the belated punishment was waiting for her.

The door opened, Shen Tu looked at Yu Lei's smug face, and sneezed three times in a row.

"I'll take a shower." She rushed in and entered the bathroom recklessly.

Shen Tu soaked in the bathtub, exposing half of his face like a fish, spitting bubbles, and his skin was wrinkled. She didn't want to continue wearing the wet clothes, and then heard Yu Lei knocking on the door outside.

"I asked your mother to get the clean clothes and put them at the bathroom door."

Yu Lei was not in the room when he went out, and there was a cup of hot lemon black tea from takeaway on the coffee table.

Shen Tu was sitting on the soft sofa, drinking warm black tea with air-conditioning, thinking: It's terrible, I haven't seen you for two years, Yu Lei's ability to understand people's affairs has only increased, and he has become more and more careful and considerate. He doesn't have a woman chasing him, it's unscientific.

The heavy rain outside the window showed no sign of stopping, and through the thick curtains, the sound of the rain rushing through the glass like a waterfall could be heard.

Then the kid came.

He squatted in the corner against the curtain, soaked all over, buried his head, staring at the blue carpet, water drops dripping from his forehead. Her bare upper body was bony, her skin was livid, and her eyes were large and dark, engulfing the light.

3. Yu Lei can exorcise demons

After so many years, often Shen Tu thought she could adapt to that child, and she would appear in unexpected ways.

Shen Tu used to watch the movie starring Will Smith and his son, about a monster that feeds on human fear. As long as there is no more fear, the monster can be defeated. In the end, of course, the monster is defeated.

"Without fear, there is nothing to fear."

The real fear was like an abyss, and Shen Tu felt that he was a bug crawling on the abyss wall. There is a systematic desensitization method in psychology, which makes the patient gradually approach the feared thing in order to achieve the purpose of eliminating the fear. Of course Shen Tu wasn't as frightened as before, and occasionally she would wave at the child. The child neither approached nor disappeared, and appeared more and more frequently recently.

The sound of swiping the card to enter the door came, Yu Lei carried the plastic bag and hung the umbrella on the cabinet in the entrance.

Shen Tu glanced at him, then turned back, the child disappeared.

Shen Tu was eating the boat porridge bought by Yu Lei, knowing that he couldn't tell the whereabouts of his cousin.

After eating and drinking, she lay flat on the sofa and said, "I'll sleep here tonight."

Yu Lei looked at her with his arms around his chest, a little too calm, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Yes, but you have to change your tune tomorrow."

"What?" Shen Tu closed his eyes and had to admit that Yu Lei could exorcise demons.

Yu Lei said leisurely: "You sleep here tonight, go out of the room tomorrow, and then mention me to others, the ex-boyfriend has to remove the first word. I have to be responsible for my innocence."

Heh, Shen Tu almost choked on his own breath, stomped and sat up: "I'll just go."

Walking to the door, Yu Lei asked worriedly from behind, "A Tu, do you still see those illusions?"

Shen Tu didn't answer and went back to the next room to sleep. Shen's mother and aunt asked the result, she spread her hands, helpless: "I am useless to Yu Lei now, his mouth is as tight as a trap."

Once he clamped the promise, he never let go.

In the third year of junior year, the two of them had just started dating. During the day, they studied hard and walked on campus holding hands at night. They only hated that the night was too short. One day, while walking, Shen Tu lost his bracelet. It was asked by grandma at Lingyin Temple before her death. The eminent monk held a mirror and opened the light, begging to exorcise Shen Tu's evil spirits.

Late at night and it was raining, Yu Lei first sent Shen Tu back to the girls' dormitory, promising to help her find it.

Shen Tu couldn't sleep, went to the balcony of the dormitory to disperse the sultry heat of the dog days, and saw Yu Lei hunched over, flashing a flashlight and looking for a bracelet on the school road in the rain. She didn't sleep all night, he searched all night.

The bracelet was found, Yu Lei also fell ill, and the high fever took several days to go away.

"If you lose it, you will lose it. Isn't there still you, you can ward off evil spirits." Shen Tu said with no conscience.

Yu Lei is excellent in both character and study, and was selected as the school grass for three consecutive years. He never agreed with him, and being called a school girl would be annoyed, but he couldn't resist attracting girls. There were girls in Shen Tu's bedroom who liked him. They felt sorry for Yu Lei and privately wondered why Yu Lei had a crush on Shen Tu.

She has a quirky temper, is a loner, and occasionally acts crazy. She dares to question an authoritative old professor in class. She went to a lecture from a well-known writer invited by the school and pointed out that the author's words were discriminatory against women, which shocked the whole house.

Occasionally she would talk to herself, say some crazy things to scare others, and didn't make a single friend in four years of college.

Since she was a child, she thought that it was enough to have Yu Lei by her side, and he would never leave her.

4. Plant you in my sight

When the primary school registered, the head teacher was a Chinese teacher, and when he read the names of Shen Tu and Yu Lei, he couldn't help laughing.

"Yu Lei Shentu, the parents will really name the two of you, two door gods."

Shen Tu likes the head teacher very much. She is one of the very few people who read her and Yu Lei's names correctly.

The origin of the names of the two also has a rather mysterious old story.

When Mother Shen and Mother Yu gave birth on the same day, there was no extra delivery room, and there was only one midwife doctor. The doctor added an extra bed to the delivery room, and the two mothers gave birth to a child at the same time, and they also had dystocia at the same time.

Shen Tu's grandmother was superstitious, and asked Shen's father and Yu's father to stand at the door of the delivery room with an axe and a stick, saying that it was the axe to cut evil and the stick to beat the god of plague, so as to protect the two families' smooth production. Later, the child was born smoothly, and Shen Tu's grandmother gave the two babies the names of two door gods.

There was a pale pink birthmark the size of a fingernail on Shen Tu's forehead. Grandma said that it was the mark left by the evil ghost who was trying to get his life and he had to press it with a hard name. But Shen Tu began to have hallucinations at the age of five, often having nightmares and waking up crying.

Parents who believed in science ignored Grandma Shen Tu's superstition. When Shen Tu had hallucinations for the third time, they took her to Shanghai to see the psychiatry and psychology department, lying in an eggshell-smooth machine to look at her head.

Doctors concluded that certain nerves in her brain were overactive and unusual.

Strangely, as long as Yu Lei was by his side, Shen Tu would not "see" those "things".

She started clinging to him, stalking him, coercing and seducing him.

At first, Yu Lei was not afraid of Shen Tu, but hated her. He had never seen such a shameless person. At the age of seven or eight, she can say the earth-shattering words "I want to plant you in my sight". Everyone said she was out of her mind, and he took it seriously.

The relationship between the two families is good. When the parents of the Shen family are not at home, Shen Tu goes to the Yu family in the next building for dinner. After eating, Yu Lei wanted to send Shen Tu home. Because one time when going downstairs, Shen Tu stared at the dark corners at the bottom of the corridor, shouting like an evil spirit, until Yu Lei appeared.

After the two dated, Yu Lei asked, "Why did you say you wanted to plant me in your sight when you were young? Did you like me at that time?"

Shen Tu said solemnly: "No, in order to exorcise evil spirits, I won't see messy things when you show up."

Yu Lei was so angry that he often suspected that she was only dating him to ward off evil spirits.

This suspicion is not unfounded, and their love activities are limited to holding hands and kissing.

After dating for a few months, Shen Tu began to supervise Yu Lei's exercise, and every night's walking activities turned into running rain or shine.

In half a year, Yu Lei ran out with toned frog legs and six-pack abs. He was like a little daughter-in-law waiting for her husband to lift his red hijab in ancient times, waiting for Shen Tu to test his exercise results.

However, Shen Tu was indifferent to his abdominal muscles.

She said solemnly: "You want to be healthy and live a long life, and don't die before me."

Yu Lei was calm and self-controlled by nature. For the first time, he left, and he was really angry.

5. When love is strong

The breakup was initiated by Yu Leiti. Their first relationship lasted for eight months. He felt more like the one who was broken up.

As soon as they broke up, Yu Lei was madly pursued by their finance department's Department of Flowers.

During that time, my cousin rented a house near Shen Tu's school to write novels about cultivating immortals. All the "things" Shen Tu saw became his cousin's inspiration. He made the first pot of gold in his life by writing novels, and gave Shen Tu a lot of manuscript fees.

On weekends, my cousin often holds parties in the house, invites friends to play, and revels all night.

My cousin invited an aunt who cooks delicious Sichuan food. Shen Tu often went over to eat and drink, and often saw Yu Lei. The song of the new pants band is playing in the living room. My cousin's friends, you don't know me, I don't know you, but as soon as the music starts, the group of demons dances wildly, and they quickly become acquainted.

There is a boy named Akai who wears boots in the summer. He has long smooth hair and ignores others, but he likes to chat with Shen Tu, from Tolkien's "The Silmarillion" to Foucault's "Silmar Diamond". Sexual History. He said that being a man should be relaxed. He believed in the "things" that Shen Tu saw. He said, "I can see it too."

Out of the new pants, Led Zeppelin. Music blasts ears, chatting is not easy, every time you say a word, you have to get close to the other person's ear. Shen Tu could smell the fragrance of Akai's smooth long hair, and she wanted to ask him what shampoo he used.

But she said, "How do you fight them?"

Akai shrugged: "There is no particularly good way, but to live, live well, and work hard to love."

"Love those things?"

"Of course not, love what you want to love."

Out of the corner of Shen Tu's eyes, he glanced at the sofa in the corner, where Yu Lei sat chatting with the flowers, lips pressed to his ears, and the girl smiled like a blooming flower. Handsome and beautiful, pleasing to the eye.

"Are you okay?" Akai reached out and waved in front of Shen Tu.

The fingers turned into five black snakes, "hissing" and rushing towards the face.

Shen Tu stepped back, too hastily, his foot tripped, he fell back straight, his back hurt so much, and he couldn't get up for a long time.

The crowd gathered around, looking at Shen Tu with their heads huddled together, as if they were about to melt in the dim light.

"Step aside."

Yu Lei squeezed into the crowd, and when his face appeared, Shen Tu's vision gradually became clear, and she reached out to him.

He grabbed her and pulled her up from the ground like a drowning man, fleeing the smoky house.

The 24-hour convenience store near the school is broadcasting Miriam Yeung's "Courage". Shen Tu and Yu Lei sat on the bench and ate instant noodles, listening to Qian Hua sing: "Looking at thousands of horses and thousands of troops rushing straight, I have no gentleness but this heroic..."

After eating instant noodles, it was dawn, and with the first smear of morning light on the opposite tall building, they kissed and started their second relationship.

Although Yu Lei was still brooding, he vowed not to ask that question again.

My cousin couldn't see it, and asked Shen Tu and Yu Lei: "You were born on the same day, see you every day, it's been twenty years, don't you get tired of it?"

The two of them were tired of sitting on the sofa in their cousin's house, playing the childish game of hooking their fingers to see who could hook their fingers without breaking free.

Shen Tu asked his cousin: "Don't tell my mother."

Yu Lei added: "And my mother."

After they broke up for the first time, Shen's mother and Yu's mother had a quarrel, and they have not communicated for a long time.

But when I returned home during the summer vacation, I found that the two hostess were reconciled again and went shopping and playing mahjong together. They are considerate of their children who "break up", and they will call Shen Tu and Yu Lei apart at dinner, which leads to Shen Tu and Yu Lei meeting privately like secret agents, sneaking out of the house in the dead of night, feeding mosquitoes in the community pavilion, chatting, and exchanging opinions on papers.

Shen Tu was convinced that Yu Lei was her exclusive door god. For a while after that, she could see the world like a normal person. She was careful not to make him angry anymore, and became obedient and obedient.

6. It ends silently

My cousin made enough money and got tired of writing novels. He returned the house, packed a bag and started walking again.

He's not alone, he's with Akai.

Senior year, all kinds of things are coming, and the paper is already very tormenting.

Shen Tu accidentally learned from the phone chat between Shen's mother and Yu's mother that Yu Lei was preparing to study abroad for graduate school. It's not that Shen Tu didn't notice it, she had already found a photo of the Hoover Memorial Tower at Stanford University in his room, and he had posted it in front of his desk for many years.

Mother Shen turned on the loudspeaker on the phone and heard Mother Yu say, "But he said he didn't want to go."

Cousin and Akai sent the beautiful scenery of western Sichuan, the coveted clouds and mountains, the two were very tanned, and their heads covered their faces like terrorists.

On the day of the thesis defense, Shen Tu sent a travel message to his family and Yu Lei and flew to Chengdu.

She didn't look for her cousin and Akai, she went her own way, and reported safety on time every day. She spends the night in the wilderness and abandoned temples, and travels mountains and rivers. Only when she thinks of Yu Lei, those "things" will attack her.

When he returned home two months later, Yu Lei had already left for the United States.

Their second romance, which lasted four months, ended silently. But Shen Tu felt that this time it was more like her first lovelorn. She could see a large cloud, like a broken wall, falling from the top of her head, falling to the ground and turning into black smoke, obscuring the sky and the sun.

Goodbye is four years later.

Shen Tu changed his fourth job. The new boss is like a walking syringe of chicken blood. He wants to inject a shot when he sees someone, and pats Shen Tu on the shoulder and says, "You're not young anymore, don't learn to lie down every day, you have to add more Work hard, life is fun."

Shen Tu felt disgusted because he quoted Wang Zengqi, who she liked.

When returning home on weekends, Mother Shen would say, "Bosses are like this. There is no boss who is not disgusting."

Yu's mother said, "My family Yu Lei is now his own boss, so he doesn't need to suffer from that anger."

Yu Lei came back from abroad half a year ago and opened a wealth management studio, which was very successful. Cousin Shen Tu was also his client.

Cousin has sold film and television copyrights for two novels, and the TV series are ugly. Cousin forbids everyone to talk about it, and whoever talks about breaking up with whom. He and Akai ran around the world with copyright fees, and went to Kenya to see bison.

Shen Tu was dragged by Shen's mother and Yu's mother to the restaurant for dinner, waiting for the blind date who was late. In the words of Mother Shen, "getting to know each other" is not a cannibalistic thing, but it was Yu Lei who came, and Shen Tu was a little stunned.

He has not seen each other for four years, and he has become more and more handsome. His hair is combed up to reveal a beautiful forehead, and thin-frame glasses are placed on the bridge of his nose. Originally looked very gentle, but when he saw Shen Tu, the sneer at the corner of his mouth added a bit of scum.

What about Shen Tu? Wearing old jeans, walking on old moral training shoes, wearing a wrinkled shirt all day, no makeup, hair tucked loosely behind a tortoiseshell, daily tortured by reality and magic to pale and haggard.

Still, she knew she was beautiful too.

Of course, Yu Lei was not Shen Tu's blind date. Mother Yu's colleague brought a pair of fetuses of dragon and phoenix. Mother Yu liked the daughter of the pair of fetuses of dragon and phoenix, and her son wanted to introduce it to Shen Tu "by the way", saying that good things should come in pairs. .

Just after serving the cold dishes, Yu Lei was called to leave the table by a phone call, and then he walked into the private room and said to Shen Tu, "Go, go to the hospital."

7. The snowman is shaking

Before going to Africa, Akai had been diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer. After returning to start chemotherapy, he went to several hospitals, but it was still deteriorating rapidly.

During Akai's hospitalization, his cousin accompanied him all the way.

After my cousin became famous, my uncle asked for money several times. He was dissatisfied with his cousin paying all of Akai's medical expenses and sharing most of the manuscript fees with Shen Tu, and asked for more, and was still making trouble in the hospital.

The always calm cousin yelled at his uncle: "My money, spend it how I like, you can't control it! I have made a will, if one day I die, you won't get a cent of my money. , I give it all to A Tu."

Uncle turned to entangle Shen Tu and threatened to sue. Shen Tu saw traces of burns on his body. When Uncle was angry, those burns were like magma spewed from a volcano, scorching hot, and the floor of the hospital corridor made a cracking sound.

Yu Lei blocked in front of Shen Tu in time, and the world returned to normal. He was calm, clear, organized, and a few words forced his uncle to collapse. Shen Tu's hand was grabbed by Yu Lei and walked towards Akai's ward. When she turned around, she saw her uncle slumped on the ground like a muddy mess.

That was the last time they saw Akai. A few days later, there was a heavy snowfall, and Akai left when the city was at its purest. Before closing his eyes, he turned to look at the heavy snow outside the window and said, "I really want to build a snowman."

It snowed for a few days, heavy snow not seen in more than ten years, and the snow downstairs in the community reached knees.

When the snow was small, Shen Tu went downstairs alone to build a snowman.

"Need help?" Yu Lei stood beside her at some point.

The wind, frost, rain and snow seemed to have nothing to do with him, he was calm and calm.

After the snowman was built, Shen Tu remembered that there was a heavy snowfall that could build a snowman when she was a child. At that time, she asked Yu Lei, "Do you think the snowman will be cold?" She could see the snowman shaking.

Yu Lei, who was only nine years old at the time, said: "Yes, because it is afraid of melting."

Shen Tu's face was flushed red from the snowman, Yu Lei took off his gloves, rubbed his hands to hold her face, and then took off his scarf and wrapped it around her neck. Before she could say anything, he took off his coat again and put it on the snowman.

The snowman does not tremble, nor does the world tremble.

Yu Lei held Shen Tu's face and said, "Any time, you can be yourself, and I will be your gatekeeper."

He bowed his head and kissed her, their third time dating.

In the summer, Shen Tu quit his job and accompanied Yu Lei on a business trip to Chengde to escape the summer heat.

When Yu Lei was busy with work, Shen Tu wandered along the Wulie River by himself. Then she met her uncle, who was drunk and wobbly, moving over like a mountain. He threatened her, "Give me your cousin's royalties or I'll ruin your life."

The child suddenly appeared, standing behind his uncle, and split into countless wet groups, staring at Shen Tu with only eyes but no whites, Shen Tu threw the car and fled.

Although those children were beyond recognition, Shen Tu could recognize them, they were her, she was five years old.

Some people say that children can't remember things before the age of five, but Shen Tu remembers them clearly.

It was very hot, and she was tired from playing at her aunt's house and lay in bed to sleep. In a daze, my uncle approached, saying that she was soaked with sweat, and took her to take a bath. She was in the bathroom, watching her uncle turn into a molting python, the first time she had hallucinations.

The cousin saw it, he watched his father flee in a panic, and picked up Shen Tu, who almost drowned in the bathtub.

"A Tu, I owe you my whole life." My cousin sent this message to Shen Tu before he disappeared.

Shen Tu didn't say hello to Yu Lei, and he didn't accept his luggage. He left Chengde alone, not letting anyone find him.

When Yu Lei returned to the hotel, he was very angry. He tried his best to restrain it. His anger turned into sadness, and the sadness quickly faded and turned into pity. He sent a WeChat message to Shen Tu: "If this is what you want, if you feel more comfortable this way, I don't mind, it's not anyone's fault."

They broke up for the third time.

8. I want to keep loving you

Shen Tu looked at the rain outside the window of the homestay, without any intention of stopping, and remembered Yu Lei's sentence "Would you like to get back together?"

What kind of magic does he have to last until now? What is she good for, so that he can persist until now?

Yu Lei was checking out and he was leaving.

Shen Tu felt inexplicably anxious, and she said to her aunt, "I have a way to get my cousin back."

Regardless of whether the cousin could receive the information, she still sent it to her cousin: "I decided to speak out, I need you to testify for me."

She edited a long text about what happened when she was five years old and sent it to Yu Lei, telling him the source of her hallucinations.

At the end, she exerted a little more courage to stalk him in the past, and sent him a few voices——

"You are never in my sight, you are in my heart.

"Because of you, I don't think I'm that bad, and the world isn't that scary.

"I may never be well, and I will always fight against the magical reality, but I want to continue to love you, and I can't escape."

The information might be delivered in seconds, but Shen Tu couldn't wait any longer. The old world was collapsing and he wanted to devour her.

The room was shaking, and the floor was cracked by a wide gap. Before the collapse, Shen Tu jumped up and jumped over the crack.

The door had collapsed behind her, she climbed up the window, rolled over and jumped down.

She heard her mother exclaim from behind: "My God!"

Fortunately, the room was on the second floor, and there was a lawn downstairs, but Shen Tu still hurt his butt.

Her ears were ringing and she was dizzy. When she sat up, Yu Lei, who was across the road, was running over with her long legs running like flying.

Yu Lei was waiting for a car-hailing online. He just received the message from Shen Tu, and his heart was full of excitement.

Before he finished reading the information, he saw Shen Tu jumping from the window of the hotel opposite, and his heart plummeted when she jumped. He ran in front of her, and when he saw that she was safe, his heart fell steadily.

what are you doing? Don't you want to live?

Yu Lei couldn't ask these words out, he was afraid that his heart would be broken when he asked. He tried his best to restrain himself, stepped forward to help Shen Tu up, checked carefully, and asked her over and over again where the pain was.

"What about the brain?"

"What about the back?"

"Where's the ankle?"

"It doesn't hurt, I don't hurt." Shen Tu grabbed Yu Lei excitedly, held him tightly, and didn't let go.

The moment he grabbed Yu Lei, the sense of earthquake subsided, and the tinnitus and dizziness disappeared.

She burst into tears: "Look, I finally came to your world."

This time, she will never run away.

Bedtime Story

Last updated: November 1, 2022