A strange little fox

Publish: October 12, 2022 | Category: Cute Animal Stories

A strange little fox


A long, long time ago, there was a family of foxes.

They live in a jungle, where food is plentiful, the scenery is beautiful, and everyone lives happily.

There has always been a custom in the family that when every little fox is 15 months old, a ceremony of becoming a fox will be held.

During the ceremony, the eldest fox in the family will draw a never-fading yellow ear of wheat on the forehead of the adult fox.

A young fox once asked, "Why do we paint ears of wheat on our heads if we don't eat wheat?"

However, even the most knowledgeable grandfather fox in the family does not know the reason, only that this custom has existed for a long, long time.


The little fox is over a year old this year, and has just finished his fox-making ceremony.

The little fox is a very strange fox, he is not keen on hunting, nor is he busy looking for a cute mate like other fox brothers.

His favorite thing is to stare at the sky alone at night.

The little fox felt that as long as he could see those bright stars every day, he would be very happy.

It especially hopes that one day, it can fly to the sky and take risks on various planets.

It told Mr. Buffalo about its wish.

Mr. Buffalo asked, "So, are there clear springs on other planets?"

The little fox shook his head.

Mr. Buffalo asked again, "Is there any fat green grass there?"

The little fox shook his head again.

"Then, it must be very safe, and there are no natural enemies." Mr. Buffalo said with certainty.

But the little fox still shook his head.

The little fox said to Mr. Buffalo: "Actually, I don't know what's on other planets, so I want to go and see it, maybe it will be better than here!"

Mr. Buffalo stopped talking.

Mr. Buffalo thinks that the little fox is a strange fox, otherwise why would he give up the good life now for some uncertain things.


Time passed by, and in the blink of an eye, it was autumn, and golden wheat covered the ground.

Another night, the little fox sat in the wheat field, staring at the sky silly as usual.

Suddenly, it saw a flash of light in the sky, swiping straight towards the ground in the distance.

The little fox hurriedly chased after him, and in the dust, he vaguely saw a figure.

The little fox was a little scared, but approached him boldly.

As it got closer, the little fox finally saw the true face of the figure, a very delicate boy wearing gorgeous clothes.

The boy saw the little fox, smiled and said to it, "Hey, another little fox. My name is the little prince, nice to meet you."

After saying this, the little prince sighed angrily, and then said: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said it again. Before you, I only saw a fox, but I tamed it, it came to me It's the only one."

The little fox tilted his head, full of doubts in his heart. "What is tame? Also, are you from heaven! How did you do it!"

The little prince rubbed the little fox's head and said, "Tame means that when you meet something, it can affect your emotions and make you feel that everything becomes gentle because of it."

"When you are no longer together, you will miss and wait, but the waiting at this time is a very happy thing, because you know that you are getting closer to each other step by step."

"It's even better when you're together, you can tell him everything, you can do everything you want, because you know it's always behind you."


After listening to the little prince's words, the little fox nodded ignorantly.

I thought to myself, "Then, I must have been tamed by the starlight!"

The little prince rubbed the little fox's head again: "I have been looking at the golden ears of wheat on your forehead for a long time, my little fox once told me that I have golden hair, so every time I see golden wheat, will remember me."

"But it doesn't know that every time I see the burning clouds in the sky, I also think of a little fox with bright red fur. I don't think I'll ever have a chance to tell it again."

"I forgot a sentence just now, taming is not unilateral, you need to cherish each other, otherwise, the sturdy tame relationship will become precarious because of neglect."

The little fox said in frustration: "It seems that I have not been tamed by the starlight, and I will never be able to reach him. For him, I am just one of thousands of foxes."

The little prince asked in surprise: "Why do you think so, if you do, take the initiative. That's what my little fox does."

"My God! Do you have a way to let me go to another planet?" The little fox twitched his tail excitedly.

The little prince said mysteriously: "Of course I have a way, but are you sure you don't want to go to my planet with me, my little rose has always wanted to see a fox."

"But, I want to go to more places to see." The little fox said tangled.

"Then, goodbye, cute little fox, I hope you can find happiness too."

"However, if you come to my planet one day, please be sure to sit with my little rose for a while, she is very beautiful, and I have taken care of her for a long time," said the prince.

"Yeah." The little fox nodded.


"Now, please close your eyes, and I wish you a pleasant journey," said the little prince softly.

The little fox closed his eyes in anticipation.

The little fox noticed that the little prince seemed to have put on a dress for himself.

Time seemed to have passed for a long, long time, and the surroundings were silent and there was no sound.

After a long time, the little fox slowly opened his eyes.

God, the little fox found that he was floating in the air!

The little fox looked around, and countless planets were exuding gentle rays of light, as if welcoming the arrival of the little fox.

The little fox flew towards the largest and brightest planet excitedly, leaving only a back figure that was gradually receding in the vast universe.

What will happen after that?

Maybe, the little fox will become an astronaut and take risks on various planets, or maybe it will encounter what it wants to protect and escort him forever.

Who knows, the story of the little fox has just begun, so it has countless possibilities.

Bedtime Story

Last updated: October 12, 2022