The Boy and the Whale

Publish: August 5, 2024 | Category: Children's Stories

The Boy and the Whale

The Boy and the Whale

Noi lives with his dad and their dog Lucas by the sea.

In the early morning,the boy takes Lucas for a walk.

As they walk down the beach,Noi sees a dark object.

He gets closer.It is a little whale washed up on the beach.

The Boy and the Whale

The whale is crying like a baby.Noi sends Lucas home for help.

It’s getting hot.Noi feels thirsty.He puts some water onto the whale.The whale moves its flipper.

The Boy and the Whale

Lucas brings Dad to the beach.Dad knows about whales.He looks the whale over like a doctor.

“She is a pygmy sperm whale,”says Dad.

“Is she all right?”Noi asks.

“I think so…We need to get her back to the sea soon,”Dad answers.

The Boy and the Whale

The waves wash the beach.The whale’s tail goes up and down in the cool water.

“Let’s roll the whale over and over,like this,”Dad says and shows his son how to push the whale.

Noi and Dad have a try,but the heavy whale doesn’t move.

“Bigger waves are coming.I think the waves will be a big help,”Noi says.

Noi and Dad wait.As the long waves come in,they push together.The whale starts to…roll!

The Boy and the Whale

Noi feels the whale growing lighter.She moves on her own again in the green water.

Noi and Dad wade and then swim with the whale.

The whale takes a look at Noi.Then she dives and swims home.

Back at the beach,the man and the boy look out to sea.

Noi hopes that one day he can see his whale friend again.

Bedtime Story

Last updated: August 5, 2024